Study Abroad Overview

image of students sitting outside

Marquette University Law School's study abroad programs provide a unique opportunity to benefit from extended stays in other countries around the world. Students can immerse themselves in different cultures and legal systems, and can also take courses alongside international instructors and classmates.

In today’s world, it is increasingly obvious that challenges to our nation’s economy, security and natural environment are often global in nature and require global solutions. The practice of law reflects this fact as countries address these challenges in various ways: through treaties and international agreements; by creating transnational institutions; and by drafting laws that focus on the cross-border movement of goods and people.

The Law School encourages its students to pursue part of their legal education outside the United States by providing several opportunities to study abroad.

First, students may earn up to 18 credits toward their J.D. degree at a foreign university through a semester long exchange program. Marquette University Law School operates semester exchange programs in partnership with three foreign universities:

Second, a Marquette University law student may choose to participate on their own in a summer or semester long study abroad program that is sponsored by another ABA approved law school, provided that the student applies for and receives advance approval from the Law School’s Director of Study Abroad Programs.

Finally, Marquette Law School permits its law students to construct an individualized study abroad plan in order to study at an institution that is not part of an ABA sponsored program.  Law students interested in pursuing this option start by reviewing on their own the applicable ABA regulations concerning individualized study. The student then researches the admissions process (as a non-permanent student) at the foreign school, contacts persons at the foreign institution concerning any applicable deadlines, determines the potential law courses available, and puts together a proposed course schedule.  The student then submits a request to the Law School’s Director of Study Abroad Programs, seeking approval of their plan.  Approval is only granted if the request reflects both substantial pre-planning and the likelihood of a high educational benefit.  Permission is not routinely granted​.

All credits awarded by other law schools transfer to Marquette Law School with grades of satisfactory or unsatisfactory only. To earn a grade of satisfactory, a student must earn the equivalent of a C. All classes taken in programs sponsored by law schools other than Marquette Law School must be approved in advance by the Law School’s Director of Study Abroad Programs in order to be eligible to receive credit.

Financial Aid for study abroad programs generally is available under the same terms as financial aid for any course of study at the Law School.

For further information concerning study abroad opportunities at Marquette University Law School, contact Professor Kali Murray, Director of Study Abroad Programs, at